Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Closing the Doors...
Things have been a bit quite in this space lately. It certainly has been an interesting time and I've time to think, feel and resolve much. It hasn't been an easy decision but I've come to the conclusion it is time to close my website.
There are so many platforms for selling online now, I know that if and when I'm ready to put something 'out there' I'll have plenty of opportunities.
Part of moving forward is about closing some doors. I feel like I've let go of many things that weren't working and that hasn't been easy by any means. I know it is time on this one...
...to celebrate I'm offering 20% of my products and free postage. Available within Australia only. Please use the promo code movefwd. www.nichohn.com.au .Here's to letting go of the old....
Monday, December 5, 2011
a different outlook

Having said that, The Cottage Industry Exhibition at Warwick was an amazing experience. Loretta is such a sweet lady and was such a gracious host. Huge thanks and hugs to you Rett for your warm hospitality. And to my workshop ladies, thank you for allowing me to push you outside your creative zone. I had a ball, hope you did too.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Colourful News
On Friday I head off to Warwick to be part of the Cottage Industry Exhibition with some delightful ladies who are most talented! Can't wait to met the gals in person and I'm so excited to be holding a journaling workshop "Fashion Your Journal" on Saturday in conjunction with the exhibition...I'm preparing some pages and notes for the workshop and thrilled how this has poured out onto the page with pencil, ink and stitching. Truly great inspiration and techniques in this workshop. If you're local to the Warwick area and would like to come along please contact the Warwick Art Gallery.
My Open Studio was amazing with loads of friends, both new and old coming for a browse. There was a bit of a buying frenzy over a couple of pieces but every one loved what they took home. Huge thanks to Maryse who traveled a number of hours to come up and spend a few days in Hervey Bay. A magical soul who I met a few years ago at a Melbourne Art Retreat. Anyway I've had a few requests to do another Open Studio before Xmas. I shall keep you posted on that one as I'm well aware that December is such a busy social time for us all.
And some more news to date... I've started working a few days a week in a beautiful local shoe and accessory boutique. Oh, truly it is divine. I love getting dressed up and going to work to be surrounded by beautiful feminine things and fabulous team to work with. Feels like heaven. So my family and I've all been adjusting to a new routine...but all is well.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Open Studio

Friday, October 28, 2011
Emerge Art Workshop

Emerge is an online place where Australian artists starting out in their journey can promote and sell their work. And there are opportunities to have your art promoted to galleries. Brilliant!! Founding director Chantel Schott is a motivated artist who has a big vision to assist other artists, and a big heart to go with it.
February 2012, the Repertory Threatre, Toowoomba, shall host an exhibition to showcase these emerging artists. Myself and Kym Breeze are teaching weekend workshops to coincide with the exhibition. I am so excited about this event....if I can pass on helpful information throughout my workshop that can make a difference to an artist starting out, then I'm one happy camper!
I remember when I started painting and exhibiting, I had so many questions, but very few people to ask...so this is a great event for many reasons!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Cottage Industry Exhibition Invites

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Rouched, beaded and Brooched

This pic was in Vogue September 2011. Loved the brooch and tie combo, just my thing at the moment. I felt inspired by this beautifully strong image, but I put my own twist on it.As I always love to do.
It was one of those designs that just happened on its own. And I love it.This tie is a magical mix of blue shot with green. The perfect accent to wear with pink! The gathers are secured with beading and can be worn on either the right or the left. Got to be versatile...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Cottage Industry Exhibition

"Cottage Industry.small creative businesses in the big world wide web"
at the Warwick Art Gallery.
Opening Friday 25th Novenber 2011
It's the brain child of Loretta Grayson, whom I met online through KRR's Flying lessons. I fell in love with Lorettas colourful tree art + beautiful crocheted craft...if you haven't dropped by to see her creations, make sure you go have a look.

I'm among a stellar line up of artists....
It's going to be a great exhibition and I'd love to see you there. In conjunction with this exhibition... I'm teaching a journaling workshop at the Gallery, themed around fashion and textiles. We'll be using fashion magazines, patterned fabrics and even our jewellery for inspiration.Tactile heaven and a great creative way to glam up through journaling! I am loving these pages!

My workshop is being held on the 26th November in the Warwick Gallery. Love to have you in my class! More details here.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
My Heart Loves Yours!

I woke this morning wanting to wear something that had a positive message on it. You know sometimes you just got to do it. So black pen to t-shirt, this is what I came up with!
Thanks for all the loving birthday messages + parcels...I had a great day filled with loads of things I wanted to do. Thanks for sending me some of your love, My heart loves Yours!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Upcycled Fascinators

Now I am gathering myself for the next exciting art project on my books and our 11 yr old birthday party tomorrow. Life is never dull here.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Learning how to Wholesale
Earlier this week I had THE MOST amazing phone consultation with Lia from Outsource marketing about wholesaling. I'm aware that its a whole other side of business that I know very little about and I admit not very confident in either...
In particular I wanted to learn how to be successful in cold calling on businesses. How to introducing myself into a business that I want to sell to... Lia was able to shed much light. Advising me on what to say, how and when. Now its only been a few days, but I've already put what I've learnt into practice and I've been crazily successful. Most of all I gained the courage to talk up and sell what I'm creating. And now I've got the hang of it, I've got the confidence of knowing what to do, its becoming easier.
There is now a local business stocking my fascinators and interested in other lines that are still in the design stage.And then some more.... Yay!
I can highly recommend Lia's "Learn to Wholesale" consultations. She covers many topics from branding, pricing, pro's + con's of agents & distributors, and so much more. Have a look here for more info.
Truly this information has been priceless. Big hugs Lia, your amazing!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Sunsets on the good stuff

Why do we let the sun go down on the things that are good for us? A question I've been asking myself the last few days. I know what works for me, what makes me feel good, what feeds my body and my creative soul, but sometimes I allow that to slip by. Through tiredness, through being there for everyone else, resistance and just because things in life happen.
I'm making a conscious effort to pull all things back into my day that I know my soul benefits from.Chi Gong, Pilates, eating more fruit, connecting more with friends, painting and journaling...
I feel like its been forever since I journaled in a visual way. I know on all levels that this feeds my soul. I'm pledging to myself that I am worth looking after and I deserve to be living the best life I can be.
I'm also acknowledging that life happens. and it's all ok.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Look out Australia, The Sketch book Project is including You!
National Gallery of Victoria Studio, Federation Square
For all you Aussie artist who love journaling, this is for you! The Sketch Book Project is exhibiting here in 2012 and you can be part of this global exhibition by signing up. Its a beautiful little journal to create in with achievable sized pages. I've got mine, how 'bout you?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Versatile Accessories
Remember I have a gift with every purchase before the end of September, so come browse!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Beautiful Inspiration

Hair by Katelyn Simkims, Photographed by Babak
These images are from the North American Hair styling Awards. Love the styling, the simplicity the dynamic red, a hint of floral and rustic texture in the back ground. A great combination and wonderful inspiration!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
My Shop is Open

I have a special launch gift to giveaway with every order placed before the 30th September. You can read about them here at Wini's blog.
Please go and browse....and I'd love to hear your feedback!!
Friday, September 16, 2011
that funky boutique

Truly I'm in love with anything that's eco, recycled or reused AND beautiful. These most definitely are. Call me superficial if you may, but paper bag brown eco just doesn't do it for me...and why should it when there are beautiful choices like Angie's delightful cushions.
*ps. I've nearly finished up loading to my website, not long now until my shop shall be open and you can see what I've been creating!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Art Is You Sydney

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Green is the New Black

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