Sunday, January 16, 2011

always always a silver lining...

Hervey Bay beach after the floods.

yes this is our beloved beach. the water is the same colour as the sand.....we went for a family walk along the Pier today. usually the pier is filled with people fishing, men, women and children. not today. the flood waters coming down the river have changed the sparkling blue water to a muddy brown.its great the flood waters are going somewhere, but I won't be swimming here for a while...maybe I'll wait for our blue ocean to just doesn't feel the same...

after having a chat to my well informed weather/ocean loving hubby I found out its going to be a great thing for the under water environment. the mud and silt filters out to the ocean and the coral will feed on it. the coral will grow and the fish shall be happy.... the coral reefs live on!

yes yes always a silver lining.

ps. I shall be announcing the winner of my painting Monday afternoon. so if your planning to donate and haven't yet, do it now!

1 comment:

juliaD said...

Hi Nic,
I have added your post to my blog list of wonderful artists offering help for the flood relief.
Thank you for being the wonderfully sensitive, kind and generous soul you are!....x....julia