Saturday, December 2, 2006

Thanks for Coming!

To those of you who came on Fridays Artshow, thank you. It was an absolute delight and pleasure to have you in my home, soaking up my artwork.

I'm feeling that I would love to do it again in the future.

Below is a photo of a blank canvas I have on my wall at the moment. It certain is a great conversation piece that received lots of comments and inspired others on Friday. I felt that I wanted a large painting as a "permanent" artwork in my home and so Darryl (my husband) made it for me . I figured the best place to store it was on the wall! It's going to be a white painting anyway, with lots of texture and subtle hues. At the moment I'm just enjoying it's blankness....

I have some of my art at Anna's Strawberry Gallery at Mt Kynock this weekend and next. If your driving by, please stop....there is plenty to see.

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