Friday, December 10, 2010

travel has broadened our spirits!

fountain Hyde Park Sydney
Hyde Park Sydney

My sea legs have finally stopped swaying. I no longer feel like I'm going to fall out of bed or that the world is slowly rocking from side to side beneath my feet! Feeling much more grounded, thank goodness!!Since we've been back we've all jumped ( or maybe been thrust) into the reality we left behind... last week at school with Xmas parties and food to prepare, end of year performance, gift giving to the kids beloved teachers, a milestone event for our 13 year old enjoying his Year 7 graduation from primary school and work.

And so to some pics + sharing about our holiday. We started with 4 days in Sydney and looking back its a bit like our own Oprah Sydney visit. We did all the touristy things and loved every minute of it. I took heaps of photo's, some of them are 'arty shots' as my kids call them, 'I didn't see that' pics or 'why are you taking a pic of that?' but its all about beauty in the eye of the beholder, right?

graffiti trees Hyde Park Sydney

church near Hyde Park Sydney

mother mary

We loved seeing these Sydney icons from a distance and over the next few days we explored them from the inside out.The kids were great and never complained about the amount of walking we did, which was huge! We just soaking it all up, from one end of the spectrum to the other. From the grandeur of the buildings to the homeless sleeping in these beautiful doorways. it was an eye opener on many levels....

sydney habour bridge

Sydney Habour Bridge

sydney opera house
Opera House

Taroonga Zoo

Some of my favorite images from Taroonga zoo.... there is more here too.

fish pond


elephant bells

it feels like this family trip has changed our way of thinking, seeing and feeling about so many things in our a good way, that only something like this could...... its been filtering through my spirit over the last few days, like many illusions have dissolved and I can see more clearly now.... I know in this moment that our experience together has been amazing and we have all grown as individuals and as a family in so many ways. Travel broadens so much more than just the mind!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

What a great feeling you got from your trip. Have you been able to bring that back home with you? I especially like the last photo. Are those bells? Do they mean something?