Thursday, January 7, 2010

to illuminate

I've been asking some questions in a visual form, through my journal. the word that kept coming up and through the journal page was illuminate...i had many images of candles, Moroccan lanterns, chandeliers and venetian mirrors. all seemed to point to the same word.

so going with what works i created a journal page around the word. i was able to put my hands on a snowflake that i made a few months ago, cut it into a circle and went with some simple pen embellishment. to me it now looks like a sand dollar.

ok... so where from here...not so sure, but often the aha's can come later on. i have no doubt it is all unfolding as its meant to....

1 comment:

juliaD said...

Hi Nic,
I love all your latest posts, your work is clear and calm, the colours soft and sleek...Your art gorgeous!!, as always...
I love the clear picture you are drawing of your life...and chook!..yumm...