Thursday, July 16, 2009

spontaneous or unorganized?

A couple of days ago I decided I really wanted to teach a workshop on how to set intentions through the use of journaling and mixed media. It has been such a potent and powerful tool for me...when I look back at the things I've journaled about and they have come to the light of day, well it just surprises and amazes me to no end.And it is SO MUCH FUN!

This is what I'll be sharing on the 22nd July at the Flora Court Studio. Some would say that putting a workshop together over 2 weeks is a short amount of time to be organized, but I say 'what the hey!' I'm inspired and I want to teach others how to do this good stuff!

So you can decide whether you think I'm spontaneous or unorganized....deep down I know this is worth sharing and is a valuable way of not only creating beautiful art but beauty in life.

** Another spontaneous thing to share....I'm in the midst of planning an Island art retreat weekend on the 21-24th August,2009. More details soon!


Shelley Malone said...

Yes, spontaneous. Also, AWESOME.

Ro Bruhn said...

Brilliant idea Nic, spontaneous is good, that's how I generated my last two workshops and they worked very well. Love the way you're incorporating your flowers into your paintings too, very original and your own distinct style.

Jacky said...

You're so creatively busy, busy, busy. This workshop sounds wonderful!

Jacky xox