Thursday, March 20, 2008

evolution of an idea...

This is a journal page i put together in my children's art show how collage can be a very random selection of images. I really loved how it came together, especially the swirls at the bottom. It was confirmation for me about how important play is in the creative process.

A couple of days after this page i was doing some art on paper. I usually work on canvas so this was a little out of my comfort zone. I wasn't sure what to do after i had painted the page, so i went to my art table for ideas. And this journal page popped up, and inspired the art on paper below with the sparrow.

And from there it became a painting. I find it fascinating that one idea can lead to another. I have also used this image in the cards i made.

It's interesting that i noticing some synchronicity of what i'm painting and what is turning up in my life.Recently i painted a dress making model, and not long after i happened across one. This image of the bird i feel is a sparrow...and i've just finished watching La Vie En Rose, life story of Edith Piaf. Also known as the Little Sparrow.I so love her singing.I bought her album years ago and just felt so connected to the Frenchness, her light and shade.

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