Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Closing the Doors...

 Things have been a bit quite in this space lately. It certainly has been an interesting time and I've time to think, feel and resolve much. It hasn't been an easy decision but I've come to the conclusion it is time to close my website.

There are so many platforms for selling online now, I know that if and when I'm ready to put something 'out there' I'll have plenty of opportunities.

 Part of moving forward is  about closing some doors. I feel like I've let go of many things that weren't working and that hasn't been easy by any means. I know it is time on this one...

...to celebrate I'm offering 20% of my products and free postage. Available within Australia only. Please use the promo code movefwd. www.nichohn.com.au .Here's to letting go of the old....


Kate Robertson said...

I hope you will still blog occasionally. I miss seeing what you have been doing.

Aly- Bliss Monkey Studio said...

and making way for the new! Wonderful.

Lady Di said...

Good for you ... change is not always comfortable but it's essential. Miss you ... hope you're well, love, Di.

Jacky said...

Hi Nic,

I loooove that colour (and that little heart).
You've been so busy, I take it with your new job and family ....but you've been missed.

Hope you still find some time to blog, to share your beautiful art and soul.

Big pink hug,

Jacky xox

Brett said...

I admire your courage in closing this chapter.