Monday, October 24, 2011

Rouched, beaded and Brooched

This pic was in Vogue September 2011. Loved the brooch and tie combo, just my thing at the moment. I felt inspired by this beautifully strong image, but I put my own twist on it.As I always love to do.

It was one of those designs that just happened on its own. And I love it.This tie is a magical mix of blue shot with green. The perfect accent to wear with pink! The gathers are secured with beading and can be worn on either the right or the left. Got to be versatile...

Another twist, with a more feminine rosette look, balanced with a small peeping tie end. A beautifully brocaded fabric.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, if you feel you are fearless enough in your fashion sense to wear a men's tie, rouched, beaded and brooched....

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