Monday, August 16, 2010

its that time of year

I am an in the moment kind of gal and find it challenging to think too far ahead. So to be thinking about that 'C' word in August is taking me a little while to get my head wrapped around. I know some mums already organizing pressies....omgosh. However I am feeling good about being invited to this extraordinary event. And I am dreaming up some incredible goodies. I just know this is going to be a good one. All round.

Mark it on your calendars if your a see you there!

Christmas in the Country
5+6 November
Gatton Shire Hall

and I'm going to be staying with the lovely Jo whilst away. yes it is a good one!

1 comment:

olive + hope said...

It is hard to think about the C word in August! When it's for something like's good though ;) It sounds like all is going well, I hope that you have all settled into a groove with your new schedule.
xo Danette