Monday, November 16, 2009

2 bits of exciting news to share

a demo painting for my recent painting workshop
and an almost packed box

Sorry...didn't mean to leave you hanging for my news. its just been...well you know kind of crazy here. Newsflash....we have bought a house and are moving! we are staying in the Bay area but a bit closer to everything. What is exciting about our new house, is (drum roll) I get my very own studio (fan fare and streamers are raining down) and there is a separate office and pool.....ah what bliss. what else do you need? the rest of the house is pretty great too. my head has been thinking of all the decorating possibilities. we are counting down the days now (less than 2 weeks) and there are boxes everywhere in the house. is there such a thing as organized chaos?

And my other exciting news is that the Darling Brenda Grace has asked me to come over to WA in February to do a workshop stint....journaling and painting workshops are on the list. yippee!! Shall keep you up to date with more details on that one.

I am loving my new camera. I took this shot of the jet stream from the car. my old camera would have had a heart attach if I'd even mentioned that idea. but the new girl is magnificent. don't know why it took me so long to get a new camera..too many choices. but I am very happy now.
looking forward to a long and fulfilling relationship with my new love.


Bethel of Bethania said...

Congratulations on the new house Nic, you will have it being a home in no time flat... & a studio of your own.... wow what is a thrill & well deserved... busy times ahead but happy times...
Ohh BTW there is definately such a thing a organised chaos - I live with it all the time... ha ha... OOroo... B

Jo Wholohan said...

that is so very exciting nic, you are so deserving of your own space!!! xx

Anna Bartlett said...

YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! And I love that dream sign too, my dear.

Jacky said...

How exciting it will be in the new house...your own studio...amazing! And of course all of those other lovely things, pool, office etc. for the family.
Love the new canvas!

Jacky xox

Anonymous said...


As studio of your own,, how lovely. It's such a great feeling not having oack away the project because it's dinner time..

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the purchase of your new house. Your own studio - fantastic. Looks like you are doing well with the new camera. Congrats on the workshop.

Serena Lewis said...

Congratulations on your new house with...separate studio (YAY!), Nic!!! How exciting for you all!

LOVE your 'dream' painting and WOW, that jet stream pic is AMAZING!

Good luck with the big move and here's wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ~ :)