Saturday, October 31, 2009

Your Invited~Banquet of Colour Exhibition

Lately I've been revisiting some of my early paintings..maybe its because I'm teaching workshops on painting with some of the techniques, maybe its because I'm starting to acknowledge where I've been creatively in the past....(rather than trying to sweep it under the carpet thinking that I need to move on). And be in it, of it, accepting that's all part of who I am and where I am today.

Well here it is in all its glory, my first solo exhibition, 2004. Not long after I started painting I threw myself into a solo exhibition. Naivety goes a long way and I was motivated, full steam ahead.

Promo photo for local paper

I created paintings, furniture (with the help of my cabinet maker hubby) a 8 seater table, a buffet table, shelving unit and ceramics...this is where my painted fridge made its debut.

So you're warmly invited to have a look through my "Banquet of Colour" exhibition. I've up loaded all the photos from the exhibition here ( previously I only had a few on my website)...grab a glass of wine or cup of tea and come for a wander through.

And I shall happy acknowledge all that I am and all that I have been.


Pam Aries said...

Wow! That is a lot O' arty goodness! It is all so cool, are incredibly talented! MY Nephew in law is going to New Zealand next week t o fish!

Brenda Grace said...

yep - always talented and colourful! Thanks for sharing and especially acknowledging to yourself!

Unknown said...

The exhibition looks fantatic Nic.... Kudo's