Saturday, February 2, 2008

Taurus Energy

I've since learnt and realised that this resistance is Taurus energy. Makes so much sense.This energy is really stubborn ....doesn't like change at all.I have Taurus ascendant, which means its really strong part of my chart and who I am.Now that I know where the energy is coming from I know with out a doubt how to move through letting go, even if it's only something small, it helps break down the resistance. Ahhhh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nic, I have really enjoyed reading through your blog (and admiring those lovely dandelions). It was so interesting for me to read about letting go. I am a taurean and so much of that stubborness and unwillingness to embrace change rang true for me too.
Thanks for sharing!
(and thanks for visiting by blog).