Saturday, January 13, 2007

Wisdom in the Night

The other night, just before I went to bed (about 11:00pm) I had a flood of ideas come to of which lead me to go searching for a sketch book from a year or two ago. And I came across this drawing, and it still resonates with me. I also found the following words that I had written and would love to share with you...

"Creating a piece of art can be an expression of your is like a statement, a sentence that is encoded. And perhaps only once you become conscious can you decoded it. If you are truly in the moment and don't question or criticise what you are doing it can definitely come from your spirit.

You can simply ask a question and the art form will take you to the answer. I know how powerful this process can be as I have experienced it myself. Sometimes it is so deeply ingrained that you may not see what you have created, and an objective eye can offer questions.

Often it can be a way for your subconscious to be working your 'stuff' out and so it is important once you realise what the art form is about to also include a resolution; the light shining on the dark. Remembering the art takes on the energy in which it is created."

And so that was where my inspiration lead....

1 comment:

kelly rae said...

i love the idea of art being a way of decoding our senses. so true. your work is lovely!