Sunday, December 31, 2006

What Do I See?

As this day, 31st of December, I feel very much on the dawn or more aptly, the eve of the New Year that is ahead. I feel 2007 is going to bring change and I am very aware of how my thoughts create my reality...and so it is with special attention that I set my intentions for the coming year. I feel more focused and knowing of myself and where I am heading than I have ever felt before. So let the New Year come with the love and attention it deserves and whilst it is just another day in our calendar, it also marks a time of year that we think about the year to come...and what it is that we really want to create in our lives. Just stop for a moment and ask that question....

Anyway if you are celebrating have a wonderful time....and I'll catch you on the flip side next year!

1 comment:

Pam Aries said...

Nic...I see the same thing! I have been feeling that 2007 is going to be a significant year full of new beginnings! I a mexcited to start it! Yay! Love and Abundance!